Book an Appointment at Beacon Therapy - Victoria Rollit - Osteopathic Practitioner
Victoria Rollit (Osteopathic Practitioner billing) is now available for Wednesday afternoon appointments.
Want more information about what to expect with each practitioner? Check out our website at: and click the What to Expect tab for each practitioner and FAQs.
We know cancellations might happen. When possible, please give us more than 24 hours notice so we have a decent chance of getting another person in - that other person may need to arrange child care, schedule, etc. The more notice we have, the more we actually can help our community. Thanks!
Most of you are aware that we do not have reception staff. We appreciate your understanding that we cannot answer the phone while we are treating our patients or when we are at home with our families. Best ways to contact us is through text or email.
PRO TIP: Sign in to your profile first, then proceed to book appointments. You will receive an email confirming your booking. For more booking tips, check out our FAQs on the website:
Welcome to our online booking site
Osteopathic Manual Therapy - billable as a DOMP (SPMPO #)
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Located at: 19126 Ford Rd, 1, Pitt Meadows
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Need Help? 7788482381